
Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Personalized Wall Canvases

This is a fun project that we did to replace our wedding photo that was above our mantel. It's been a little over two years since we got married and we wanted to update some of the pictures around the house.

Personalized wall canvases are very common and can come in various different forms:

The hubby came up with an idea to take a series of photographs printed on canvas to hang above the mantel.  He was envisioning that I would take 5 photographs making various faces and then he would do the same. Then as our family grows, the collage of pictures would continue with each family member.

This is the originally sketched concept.

As we were brainstorming, we refined the idea. Ten canvases would be a lot of money, so we went down to five. Instead of doing individual pictures, we decided to take photos together showcasing the important parts of our marriage. Pray. Love. Laugh. Live. Play.

 Here's the revised sketch we did to convey the types of pictures that we needed to take.

We waited for a sunny day, took to our Canon Rebel T2i and a tripod, and started shooting some pictures. It was actually kind of exhausting because we had to frame the shot, set the timer, run back to our spots, and pose all within 10 seconds. (We took at least 100 pictures.)

We created our own templates and used Zazzle to create our own personalized wrapped canvases.

Check them out below!

Finished photoshopped images in one long strip

The completed set adds a nice touch to the wall. (And there is space for others canvases to go up as our family grows)

Wanna create your own? Do it on Zazzle!

Much love,


1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    Love your Concept.

    I'll like to ask, What Sizes are these Canvases...

    I wanna do something Similar for my Living room.


